Calcium plays the vital role for skeleton development. This element is not only major constituent, but functions as various physiologic hemostasis. Body bones offer the resource of calcium to blood in constant level, meaning that bones lose calcium persistently in blood calcium insufficient for a long term.
People know that it is necessary to intake calcium to prevent osteoporosis. After prime age, the loss ratio is faster than store ratio, therefore, enough calcium intake and great absorption efficiency are necessary.
Silent healthy killer: Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis comes silently and ignorantly until suffering serious fracture someday when falling down, colliding, and movement.
Due to physiology, females have more possibility to suffer osteoporosis than males have. According to IOF (International Osteoporosis Foundation) data, 25% of females up to age 60 suffering osteoporosis.
Bone density constantly increased after birth will reach a plateau in age 30, followed by its descend. The course in males is slowly but in females is rapid in women menopause.
The absorbing ability is lower by ageing, so that calcium recruitment is required, and effective absorption is the more important conception.